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7 Kursy

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Nauczyciel: Deluxe SchoolsStudent: Alice BaranaStudent: Onyimba ChiamakaStudent: shae clarkStudent: Anna CoxStudent: Kyleigh CrawfordStudent: Manar DarwishStudent: Ashley DicksonStudent: David EnyenihiStudent: EMMANUEL ENYENIHIStudent: Idalis GrullonStudent: Tony HardenStudent: Richard HillStudent: HOA IELTSKiDSStudent: Edgar JairStudent: Rylie JulianoStudent: Pratik KarelStudent: Georgia KiourkaStudent: Cristian MallianiStudent: Saravanan MohanStudent: Tan NhiStudent: Brandon Pérez EscobarStudent: Breann PonceStudent: Dajhe' PowellStudent: Sylvain ReuketStudent: Marco RossatoStudent: Haley SheppardStudent: Max StephenStudent: Nyazi TawfeegStudent: Faith TinsleyStudent: Chris TulpStudent: Red Warren


Astronomy is the branch of science that studies celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.

Nauczyciel: Minica Panchetti


Nauczyciel: Wirya Arjan


Nauczyciel: Manh Hung

Solar System